November Updates

December 06, 2015

Hello Parents,

These next two weeks are packed full of fun for the students. This Wednesday is the Christmas Concert and students can dress up in their Christmas attire. There was an email sent by the school with extra information about this upcoming event.

On Monday you will receive a field trip form for the skating party on Wednesday, December 16th. I currently have no volunteers for this event. If anyone is able to come to ice skate or hand out hot chocolate please email me. Students need to bring their own ice skates, gloves, snow pants, warm jacket, helmet, and water bottle.

The classroom Christmas Party is on December 18th. It would be great if some people could volunteer to bring in 22 gingerbread men (store bought or home made) for the students to decorate, icing, veggie tray, fruit tray, treats, popcorn for the Christmas party movie, plates, and juice boxes. Please let me know if you are able to bring any of these items for the party. It would be greatly appreciated. Each child can pick out their favorite candy and bring a small bag of the candy to share for the gingerbread men decoration. Lunch will not be provided on this day so they will still need a healthy lunch, but snacks will be available. Anyone able to bring treats in to the classroom, please remember we do have some allergies in our class to egg and peanuts.

Currently in our studies we are focused on: counting, simple adding, writing full sentences, sight word recognition and spelling, grammar, editing, reading to understand, asking questions about the text, finding new words in the text, summarizing a story, illustrating part of a story, Nunavut, Alberta occupations, the Christmas story, finishing our unit on magnets and seasons.

The next two memory verses these next few weeks will be focused on Christmas. This week's memory verse is: Luke 2:11. If your child was able to say last week's verse (1Peter5:7) they will have a stamp of a cross in their agenda.
This week's library day is on Friday. Reading A-Z books are due every Monday.

Thank you for your time this Sunday afternoon. God Bless,

Jesselee Beauparlant

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