October Updates

October 23, 2015 Hello Parents, You are able to get tickets for the 'Peanuts - the Charlie Brown' movie online and they will be sold this upcoming week. If you would like to pay online please go to this link: http://peanutsmovie.brownpapertickets.com The tickets are $10 per person attending. All of the funds help with the school programs and field trips. Remember it is on November 7th. We have library on Wednesday next week. The Bottle Drive is happening next week during the Parent-teacher Conferences (sign up and remember to bring the goal setting sheets that were sent home to the conference). We also have a book fair the nights of the P-T conferences and the funds go towards books in our classroom. You order the books the night of the P-T Conferences and they will be received later that week. Next week we are starting to use spelling city and you will receive a letter to explain how to get onto it. Remembrance day is coming up and every class will be saying a poem. EVERYONE GOT THEIR MEMORY VERSE THIS WEEK! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! On Monday you will be able to access your child's 'Gradebook' marks so far this year and it will be updated weekly. If you have not used Gradebook yet, Mrs. Watts can help explain during the P-T Conference night. Remember that this is not the end result of their grade for the report card, but it is to help update you on your child's learning. Today I sent home a Scholastic Book Order form that accidentally was missed when making the booklets. If you find something in this one, please send it in before November 13. Have a great weekend! Thank you, Jesselee Beauparlant
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