October Homework

October 29: Go onto Mathletics or RAZ kids and complete two lessons or books. If they do not have access to these sites they need to read for at least 10 minutes.



October 28: Fix 2 sentences made with no capitals by your parents. PARENTS this is a little bit of work for you because you need to make two sentences WITH missing capitals. Today we talked about that Capitals are at the start of a sentence, an 'I' by itself, and important people, places, moths, or days of the week.

An example of a sentence with ERRORS is: my dog jim is slow. The CORRECTION they need to make: My dog Jim is slow. (it had 2 errors).

October 27: Write two sentences using double vowels (example of a double vowel: ee, ai, oo, ie, ea; a sentence example: My feet landed in pie.

October 26: MV: Daniel 2:20. Read and do word sorts, (today is day 2 in their word sort - remember you can find instructions on the BLOG under the 'word sort' tab.

October 23: Order these numbers from least to greatest: 13, 91, 43, 41, 29, 8, 14, 31, 40, and 52

The answer: 8, 13, 14, 29, 31, 40, 41, 43, 52, and 91

Please remember to read the Reading A-Z books and do the new word sort (remember the BLOG shows how to do the 6 Day cycle schedule for the BLOG).

October 22: Think of three ways to do/be ___________________ (this line represents their specific goal they want to achieve in class). Tonight they need to think of how to accomplish their character goal.

October 21: Write a sentence for each vowel

Parents these do not have to be long sentences for the grade ones starting out... the grade twos should write a sentence using a short and long vowel. All together they will have five sentences using each vowel in a sentence...


gr. 1: I see a cat. (using the short A sound)

gr. 2: The black cat sat eating a giant cake. (using the long and short A sound)

October 20: Draw and write three things that are hot and cold (ex. tea, lava, stove, ice, snow, and cement).

October 15: MV Proverbs 15:1 and do word sorts.

October 14: Write 2 sentences about Harvest using EE and IE words, (example: The bears get ready to sleep. I eat pumpkin pie...).

These are some of the words we brainstormed today in class: jeep, see, free, feet, bee, meet, keep, lie, pie, tie.

October 08: Write 3 sentences using AI and OA (this is something we did in class.... brainstorm words with these sounds and then say them in a sentence outloud before writing - rain, boat...).

Today they made potato stamps and these went home with them. They need to make a picture of something using their potato stamps. You can find a picture of our potato stamp trees on the BLOG for ideas if you'd like to take a peek.


October 07: Grade 1: Colour a colour wheel (example is on the PLONE). Read.

Grade 2: Make something waterproof (we did this in class today). Read.

*** Dress up for the HARVESt PARTY tomorrow!!

October 06: Grade 1 --> Library tomorrow. Write 2 sentences using j (I love jam. Sam is made of Jello.).

Grade 2 --> Library tomorrow. Write 5 sentences using long vowels, (Jim is wearing rain boots inside - long vowels say the name of the vowel like in the word cape or rain).

Remember to practice the Memory Verse.

October 05: Thursday is Harvest Party and the bake sale. Practice their word sort.

October 2: Make a decreasing pattern and five words using F and U --> decreasing pattern (++++   +++    ++   +) and words using F and U (fin, run.... grade two words: fifteen, usually, filthy, use...) Please have your grade twos write these words in sentences. Their PRINTING needs to be NEAT because we have been working on this in class.

* Parents there is no school from October 9-13 due to thanksgiving.

* You will be emailed about MV completion

* Scholastics need to be back before October 14

* Reading A-Z books need to come back on Monday

* Harvest Fest Party is on Thursday and students need to dress up in 'harvest' attire. At the HARVEST party we will be selling $1 baked goods to go towards the Cochrane Food Bank. So please bring a dollar for this great cause!

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